Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Central Asia Science and Business Review (CASBR) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in scholarly publishing. The journal adheres to the principles of transparency, fairness, and accountability to ensure the credibility of its content and the trust of its contributors and readers. The following outlines the ethical principles and publication policy of CASBR.
Ethical Principles
Integrity in Research and Publication
- All submitted manuscripts must be original, free from plagiarism, and appropriately cite all sources.
- Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their research or its interpretation.
- Research involving human or animal subjects must comply with ethical guidelines, including obtaining appropriate institutional approvals and informed consent.
Peer Review Process
- CASBR employs a double-blind peer review process to ensure impartiality and fairness in evaluating submissions.
- Reviewers are expected to provide constructive feedback, maintain confidentiality, and disclose any conflicts of interest.
Transparency and Accountability
- Authors, reviewers, and editors must adhere to ethical practices to maintain the integrity of the publication process.
- Editors are responsible for making unbiased decisions based on the manuscript’s academic merit, relevance, and compliance with the journal’s scope.
Corrections and Retractions
- In cases of significant errors, the journal will issue corrections to published articles.
- If misconduct is identified (e.g., data fabrication, plagiarism), the journal reserves the right to retract the article and notify relevant stakeholders.
Authorship and Acknowledgment
- Authorship should reflect substantial contributions to the research and manuscript preparation.
- All contributors and funding sources must be properly acknowledged.
Publication Policy
Submission Guidelines
- Manuscripts must conform to the journal’s formatting and submission requirements, as outlined in the author guidelines.
- Submissions are checked for plagiarism using leading detection tools, with a minimum originality threshold of 60%.
Editorial Process
- The editorial team conducts an initial screening to ensure compliance with the journal’s scope and standards.
- Manuscripts are then assigned to subject-specific reviewers for in-depth evaluation.
Open Access Policy
- CASBR operates under an open-access model, making all articles freely available to readers worldwide to promote the dissemination of knowledge.
Archiving and Preservation
- The journal ensures the long-term preservation of its content through partnerships with reputable archiving services.
Diversity and Inclusion
- CASBR is committed to fostering diversity and inclusivity, encouraging submissions from underrepresented groups and regions.
Conflict of Interest
- Authors, editors, and reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the manuscript’s evaluation or publication.
Commitment to Ethical Practices
By submitting to Central Asia Science and Business Review, authors agree to comply with the journal’s ethical principles and publication policies. CASBR strives to uphold the integrity of the academic publishing process and contribute meaningfully to the advancement of knowledge.